My working method
Step 1: Intake interview
Every treatment process starts with completing an intake form and an intake interview. In this conversation you can see whether the working method and atmosphere of Herstel & toerusting fits to you. Moreover, the conversation helps to assess whether I can help you well. If another kind of care is needed, we will look together where you can receive the best therapy for your specific situation.
In most cases you will already receive practical tips to manage your problem during the intake interview. If you like, I will also give you small assignments after each therapy session that you can work on between two sessions.
Step 2: Treatment plan
The first conversations are part of the intake phase. After this phase I make a treatment plan. It states your request for help, the goals of treatment and the therapy that is recommended.
Step 3: Start treatment
This can vary from a few sessions to long-term treatment. There are regular evaluation moments during the treatment.
Step 4: End of treatment
The conclusion of the sessions is of course always done in consultation with you. The treatment is evaluated together and it is discussed whether further steps are necessary.
Integral therapy
Our body, soul (heart and will) and mind are inextricably linked and influence each other. If one of these is hurt or broken, it affects the rest. And if there is recovery in one area, it also affects all the others.
That is why I do not just work with one form of therapy, but I use so-called integral therapy. This means that I work with a combination of different therapeutic methods, tailored to what suits you and your specific situation. I also pay attention to the social factors that influenced you in the past to become who you are now and the factors that influence you in the present.
Below you can read more about the different therapy forms that I use and combine.