On this page you find the price of a session.

On this page you find the price of a session.

Please feel free to contact me for more information.

On this page you find the price of a session.

On this page you find the price of a session.

Please feel free to contact me for more information.


Costs for the intake interview
First we will get to know each other during the intake interview. If from both sides we confirm an interest to continue with each other, this conversation costs Є95.00. If not, these costs will not be charged.

Costs per 60-minute session
Є95.00. This includes the preparation of the session and the administrative tasks done by the therapist. Each session can be extended by a maximum of 15 minutes free of charge.

Additional charges
The same rate can apply for advice by email, WhatsApp, telephone, etc.

The costs are not eligible for reimbursement by the Dutch ‘basisverzekering’ (basic insurance). In case you have ‘aanvullende verzekering’ you can check with your insurance company whether, and to what extent this covers costs of the therapy. Sometimes there are also options from an employer's choice budget (‘keuzebudget’) and/or a personal budget (‘persoonsgebonden budget’).

How do I give therapy?

Read more about my working method.